Mourning doves on old farm machinery
Mourning doves are common in eastern Washington State during the warm summer months, where they nest and breed, and migrate south for moderate winters in places such as Arizona, California and Mexico. Mourning doves are named for their distinctive call, hooah hoo hoo hoooo, and are known to burst into flight when surprised, flying rapidly away with whistling wings.
Mourning doves are ground foragers that eat seeds including waste grain from crops, native plant seeds and invasive weed seeds alike. Their predators may include falcons, kestrals, hawks,owls, and gopher snakes.
Their species is a member of the family Columbidae.
Mourning dove or Zenaida macroura
preening in a ponderosa
pine tree
Mourning dove with a northern flicker
Mourning dove nest and eggs
Young mourning doves in nest
under big seed lomatium, a desert parsley