Creek Recreation Area is a great place to explore, with a fine canyon
hike leading to rolling hills above. The canyon, just a quick drive down
the Yakima canyon from Ellensburg, is known for wildflowers and sage, aspen, cottonwood,
birds, beaver dams, and an old apple orchard largely chewed down by the
beavers. Rattlesnakes are also common after the sun comes on like a bakelamp and spring snows
canyon is located within the surrounding Wenas
Wildlife Area. The rolling Manashtash and Umtanum ridges above the
canyon provide wide open views and good wildlife viewing including California
bighorn sheep, mule deer, Rocky Mountain elk, coyote, and birds such as grouse, chukar and quail. Washington
Audubon Society has designated Umtanum Creek Valley an Important
Bird Area in Eastern Washington (p 50 of 58 Acrobat). The best seasons
for wildlife viewing are spring and fall.
The canyon provides several good spots to pitch a tent near the trail.
For more information about this recreation area, read about the Wenas Wildlife Area, L.T. Murray Wildlife Area, Oak Creek Wildlife Area, or visit excellent related sites listed at the left of the page.
A note about the spelling: Umtanum and Umptanum refer essentially to the same area in eastern Washington. The spelling inconsistency is due to approximation in translating from the original Indian place name to English.