aerarium or the cricket hunter is a metallic blue or blue-green solitary
wasp which hunts crickets
to feed its larva. The mother wasp spends its days flushing crickets from
their daytime hiding places, skittering along the ground, wings flicking.
As with other parasitoid wasps, she paralyzes
her prey with her sting but does not kill...thus, the cricket stays alive
but relaxed, destined to serve as living nourishment for her wasp offspring.
The wasp will drag her prey across the ground by their antennae, stuff
them into a simple ground nest and lay an egg on them. Her young hatch,
slowly consume their hosts for weeks before gorging, then pupate underground
before emerging as solitary adults.
These chunky wasps were observed in late summer; the wasp
in the top two pictures measured roughly 1-1/4 inch long while the specimen
in the third exceeded 1-3/4 inch long.
» Other Eastern Washington wasps

Green cricket hunter wasp

Blue green metallic cricket hunter wasp
carrying its black field cricket prey