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Juba Skipper

Eastern Washington

Picture of juba skipper or Hesperia juba
Juba skipper or Hesperia juba in April

Juba skipper or Hesperia juba caterpillars feed on a variety of grasses including threadgrass, while the adult butterflies live on nectar from mint, rabbitbrush, and thistle among other flowers.

Jubas are largish, orange skippers with a wingspan of about an inch and a quarter. The upper wing surface of the forewing has a dark diagonal line staggering to the wingtip, and toothed black margins that point inward. The hindwing on the underside has jagged white spots contrasting against a greenish, sooty background, with the submarginal band-spot closest to the abdomen being offset forward.

Juba Skipper female ovipositing in grass
Juba skipper female
ovipositing in grass

Juba skipper nectaring on rabbitbrush flowers
Juba skipper
nectaring on rabbitbrush

Picture of Juba skipper butterfly nectaring on purple sage
Juba skipper
nectaring on purple sage flowers

Juba skipper in October
Juba skipper in October